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Advanced Materials

Thermal and fire insulation systems for construction, aerospace, and defense applications

Inventors: M.Z. Naser, PhD

Market Overview

Every year about 500,000 house fires occur annually in the US, leading to over 3,000 deaths, 10,000 injuries and billions of dollars in property damages. In addition, major bridge or tunnel damage is caused by the aging of the structures or vehicle collisions. The same also goes for houses and structures lost due to wildfires. Current infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, etc.) remain uninsulated and homes structures use gypsum-based insulation. Our new thermal and fire insulation system can prevent heat or fire damage up to about 1000 ˚C that could be used in construction, aerospace, and defense applications. This system can manage extreme heat loads, flash and sustained fires, and high intensity collision impact heat releases. Furthermore, one of the primary issues with other insulations is that they need to be repaired or re-installed after a fire or high thermal energy damages.


Construction, aerospace, defense

Technical Summary:

The developed system acts as a heat barrier and prevents thermal transport to internal components that need strong thermal and temperature insulations. In a typical building fire, most of materials could be highly combustible as they cannot stand temperatures above 200 °C. Concrete losses much of its strength at temperatures above 700 ˚C or fires sustained for longer durations. In terms of aerospace applications, extreme heat generation during entry into the atmosphere or changing atmospheric air conditions could damage heat sensitive components. Finally, high velocity moving objects and sudden explosions could generate temperatures well above 750 °C, melting those defense structures. As our novel system can prevent heat or fire damage up to about 1000 ˚C, it can be applied in variety high heat, flash, and extreme fire situations.


  • Novel system that prevents heat or fire damage up to 1000 ˚C.
  • Withstands extreme heat loads and high intensity collision impacts.
  • Prevent damages from both flash and sustained fires.
  • No repairs needed after multiple fires or high heat abuses to 1000 °C.
  • Functions better than any existing thermal or fire insulations.

Technology Overview

State of Development



Advanced Materials


M.Z. Naser, PhD

For More Info, Contact:

Thava Thavarajah, PhD
E: pthavar@clemson.edu
P: (864) 656-5708


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